The classes are designed for beginners and advanced Yogis in order to improve health, getting in shape, lowering stress levels, preventing and relieving back pain, joints and muscles, improving posture, strengthening and flexing the body, improving confidence, self-image and quiet down our mind.
The yoga style called: "Power Yoga" - a dynamic style that creates physical and mental resilience.
The purpose of yoga for me is to put emphasis on listening and observing inside. We will learn to soften the body through movement and learn how to soften the mind through breathing. quiet down the vibrations of our thoughts and to connect with who we really are in the present moment, in order to allow feelings of satisfaction, joy and freedom to arise.
When we practice yoga, a feeling of joy arises in the heart, a smile shines on our face and the daily hassles diminish their intensity. A strong feeling of connection to the heart, body and soul is awakening.
Imagine taking an hour off from life, just for yourself and for no one else.

Private Yoga Class
Designed for students that are interested in intimate and customized practice. Allows space for questions, corrections and highlights that are difficult to get within a group lesson.
Private yoga lessons in small groups or one on one offer students the ability to focus on personal interests, concerns or goals, Instead of following along with the yoga instructor in a group class setting.
A private lesson allows the individual to set specific goals and plans, such as personal goals for flexibility, strength or meditation.
In a private setting as your personal instructor, i will lead you to your personal goals and needs.
Injuries and health concerns can make a normal yoga class impractical for some participants. As a yoga instructor that teach several students at the same time, sometimes it is hard to focus on individual needs or ensure that the poses will not further injure or strain a particular person. Furthermore, health concerns like pregnancy, diabetes or heart disease may require special alterations to one’s yoga practice.
When health concerns are a potential issue, it is best to have a private yoga lesson.
What is the importance and contribution of a private yoga class?
In the past, the traditional way was to teach yoga in one-on-one-sessions with a teacher.
The teachers understood the importance of learning
that way in order to become aware of the student's subjective needs.
Group lessons are fun, energetic and help us to connect and create a community that loves to practice together. However, in a group teachers usually find it difficult to pass on the knowledge and give the specific attention and guidance that is sometimes required for a specific person or time period.
A. Private yoga class lets you practice in a more intimate environment. Together we can start from the beginning or deepen your current practice.
Private yoga classes are the perfect way to work on any kind of specific medical problems, injuries or any particular limitation you may be experiencing.
If you are concerned about a previous injury recurrence, we can work one-on-one and I will give you the tools, poses, adjustments or variations needed to avoid repetitive injuries.
B. In my personal and professional experience working with large groups of practitioners, there is often a fear or embarrassment to try new poses and even practitioners avoid, give up or stop coming. Is that feeling familiar to you? Have you already told yourself that yoga is not for you and that you are not flexible enough to do yoga??
At a private session we can work on the challenges that will arise. Private yoga classes actually give you better preparation to allow you to feel more comfortable to practice in a group setting.
C. The group usually has varying levels of practitioners. Many times it can lead you to a posture not as it should be done. If next to you someone is doing something wrong and you will mimic that, you may be injured.
As a private yoga teacher, I take the time, investment and patience to show you how to get in and out of a pose.
If necessary, I can also offer you various accessories or variations of postures that can support your practice.
D. At a private yoga class, I can tailor a practice that can suits your needs. For example, If you need more flexibility of the Hip joints, you can get a whole lesson focusing solely on that. Or if you suffer from mental stress, we can work on breathing exercises. In fact, we can work on a practice that can alleviate a specific injury or problem (medical / physical / mental) or a specific goal that you want to work on.
E. There are so many types, styles and rhythms of yoga.
In a private yoga class, I can adjust or recommend the right type just for you by making certain distinctions related to your needs, age, medical condition and more.
F. If you are a veteran practitioner, you can also benefit from a private yoga class, especially if you want to invest in yourself and take your practice to your next level.
We will work closely and I will guide you to feel more challenged at a safe and inspiring environment.
Group Yoga Class
Practicing yoga postures combined with breathing exercises, purifying the body and mind from the sediment that accumulates in our daily life.
The postures keep the body steady and light and in the same way - keep our consciousness - stable and light. They strengthen the body and release it from diseases, tiredness and relaxing the mind.
In each movement, the postures working directly on the organs (worming, cooling, expanding, contacting, etc.).
Regular practice of yoga regulates the physiological and mental systems.
You can practice yoga at any age almost in any situation.
Yoga is non competitive practice, you do what you can and accept yourself where you are in your own journey.
There Is No Finish Line
There is no “perfect” in yoga. There’s no getting to the “end” of your practice. There are always ways to continue to grow and continue to learn. There’s no rush – yoga is not a race. That never-changing journey always has something more to give us.

In class, we will learn to acquainted with our body from the inside- to observe the sensations. observe the breath and see how all connected to every movement in the body.
The practice combines several components:
"bandhas"- Energetic locks, which balance the body's systems and help us to hold it effectively in the transitions between the asanas (poses) and the asanas themselves.
"Pranayama" - Is the control of Breath.
we will learn a few types of breath such as: “Ujjayi" – (Victorious Breath). which is
a diaphragmatic breath, helpful way for the yogi is to keep the vital life force ("prana"), circulating throughout the body rather than escaping from it.
its a wonderful way to build concentration, and gives energy to the body.
"Vinyasa" - Vinyasa is a links movement and breath to attain balance in the mind and body. vinyasa aligns a deliberate sequence of poses with the breath to achieve a continuous flow. Inhalation is usually connected to upward, open movements, while exhalation is often tied to downward movements or twists.
שיעורי יוגה בגבעתיים:
. ימי ו'-9:00-10:15
Yoga Class, givatayim:
Friday's - 9:00-10:15